Friday, February 10, 2017

UPDATE: Evolutions Gaming 2017 V14.2 (ADVANCED)

OPTIONAL: Trainer Font - Gimme_Danger .ttf


  1. This Trainer includes A number of Gold hacks, included fixes for Workshop Hack and Replication Tools. As you know this trainer will open with CE 6.4 and we recommend using Firefox or Opera Browser. Play with each of these Various Hacks in combinations to unlock the hidden things one can do at his/her disposal. We present these Hacks for free and we are currently near to completing and presenting the "Prestige Gold Club" for members. More on this in detail will be posted in the Forum. Have fun guys!

  2. help, why not save up the facts? every time I go out from the base and return back all orginally bad thing is that the salt level and remains, I find an account of lvl 40 to lvl 5 with a base, maybe I'm wrong in something?

  3. Not sure exactly your what it is your describing.

  4. We had fixed the problem with Workshop and Replication , this is now working correctly.

