KNOWN ISSUES BEING REPORTED After Maintenance~ 6/9/2016
Air units since being upgraded is not allowing especially int he secondary air if it is a free repair to be accessed to repair the air
When backing out of a base to scout or after an attack players get a blank map and have to refresh every time
Players who bought the newest starter pack and now with the update/,maintenance are so over capacity they do not have access to the their toons, most often the msg is invalid platoon. they should not have to change their toon because Kixeye updated units without telling anyone this would take place. All of the low to mid players are NOW over capacity and will add to the work of Fairplay since it will be obvious these players bases cannot support these units they now have that are super promoted. So you can see in theory some may see other players units and think cheat because their base does not support what they see they have to my opinion too many necessary tickets to Fairplay
If players do not have maxed airfield, storage, or hanger ...what will this do to them being able to use these units, will it give invalid platoon? Will it flag them for cheating a unit?
If players do not have maxed airfield, storage, or hanger ...what will this do to them being able to use these units, will it give invalid platoon? Will it flag them for cheating a unit?
The Expert Punisher graphically now shows as a regular punisher so player do not knwo what they are up agaisnt when they encounter it. No way to tell if you are being attacked by an expert one or a regular one and visa versa
Deena E target tactic is not working you get 19 seconds and the tactic counts down but nothing happens you lose you 19 secs and the tactic never engages
Players state it say infamy updates every 10 mins but has not updated in over an hour or most for most players
The player hitting another player for infamy does not have to flatten his base and is still getting ALL the infamy. Pvp for some is not a positive experience ... his base is untouched and it shows three stars beat and he loses his own infamy and yet the attacking player doesn't have to work for it.
The player hitting another player for infamy does not have to flatten his base and is still getting ALL the infamy. Pvp for some is not a positive experience ... his base is untouched and it shows three stars beat and he loses his own infamy and yet the attacking player doesn't have to work for it.
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